Hello, welcome to the new PotentiaHub website.



PotentiaHub is a company based on philanthropy and pleasure. We want to make lives longer and more enjoyable for everybody in the world.

PotentiaHub is a hugely ambitious up-and-coming corporation owned by Chris Bartholomew, Sagan Tucker, and Levi Ruppel. Its main goals are technology and efficiency, philanthropy, and entertainment. PotentiaHub is made up of many divisions, and PotentiaHub is actually the name of the group that runs and controls all of the other divisions.

One large focus of PotentiaHub is entertainment. Divisions such as PotentiaGames and PotentiaMusic create content for the public to enjoy. One division, The Internet Hub (http://internethub.co [unfinished, but here are screenshots of the site during its development: http://imgur.com/a/TYkKN]), is a website made for creators. Creators can submit their content (games, music, art, stories, etc.) to the website to receive feedback from other creators who may have more experience and can provide valuable advice. Once the TIH website is completed, it will provide great resources and tools for creators. And while the website is created and tailored for content creators, it is also a great place for average consumers to go and be entertained by what the creators have made. Another division, PotentiaGames, aims to produce the best video games on the market. PotentiaMusic/PotentiaRecords aims to search the world for the best musicians and artists and to give them the resources they need to get their music heard by the world. It's very likely that content creators from The Internet Hub will be recruited to PotentiaGames or signed onto PotentiaRecords, which again proves the amazing potential that The Internet Hub holds.

Freyja is another division of PotentiaHub, which makes high-end designer clothing. (However, since we feel so strongly about philanthropy, we also help get cheaper clothes for people who need it.) Freyja also aims to create chemical-free hygiene and beauty products, like fluoride-free toothpaste, aluminum-free deodorant, and more. The soaps, shampoos, colognes, body sprays, deodorants, etc. that we use all contain harmful chemicals, and we want to create healthy, safe alternatives to use instead. Finally, PotentiaCauses is the division that focuses on philanthropy. With the millions of dollars that PotentiaHub plans to make, we plan for PotentiaCauses to use most of PotentiaHub's money to donate to cancer research and other diseases to hopefully help scientists to come up with cures. PotentiaCauses will also donate to homeless and hungry people in America and make lives better. We aim to extend human lifespans and to improve lives to make those extended lifespans more worth living.


The Internet Hub

Gang Comic

Trading Card Game

Computer Line

YouTube Series




The Internet Hub



